Why You Shouldn’t Wait on the Bench

Why You Shouldn’t Wait on the Bench

  • Denise Graves
  • 09/15/22

Why now is the time to get off the bench in the real estate game.


I hope everyone has been enjoying the return of football! I have been a forever fan of Joe Burrow. I remember back when he was a nobody sitting on the bench. After that, he went to LSU and led them to a national championship. Burrow was a Heisman Trophy winner, a national championship winner, a No. 1 draft pick to the NFL, and then went all the way to the Super Bowl, where he was just barely beaten. However, this year, it was said Burrow had one of the worst first tests in NFL history.

Doesn’t that sound a bit like our real estate market right now? In the last few years, our market has been great. Rates were low, and properties flew off the shelves in five minutes. It was a booming seller’s market, and buyers jumped in for the chase.



"Real estate is not a sprint. It’s a marathon."



Now we’re here in 2022, and it feels like someone put on the breaks. So what’s happening? I think the bigger question is: Are you going to play this year, or are you going to sit on the bench? Yes, interest rates have gone up, but if you’ve been around for a little while, you’ll know you have rates less than 6% or 7%.

Rates are supposed to drop again next year, so don’t sit on the bench. Get out there and buy what you want to buy; sell what you want to sell. Life goes on. Like football, the game of real estate is a marathon, not a sprint. We have a long season, and waiting for things to get better isn’t how the game works. That’s simply not our market.

The housing market is leveling out, and homes aren’t selling as quickly. Now it matters what your property looks like, what condition it’s in, and if it’s priced correctly. Buyers may think there will be a better house next year, but that’s not a guarantee. It’s time to step onto the field and play the game.

Every good quarterback needs a team behind them. Look at Aaron Rogers of the Green Bay Packers. He may well be one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play, but that means nothing if he’s the only one working toward the end zone. In a recent game, his team checked out—they weren’t in sync with one another.

To succeed in the game of real estate, you need a good team behind you. The Graves Group can be that team for you. We’re one of the best around. Let me be your coach, and I’ll show you how to get that touchdown. You’ve made it this far; let’s go to the championships together. Give me a call anytime.


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